10H 2024 - 2025
Mrs Hobbs
This half term year 10 have started their GCSE journey.
They have been learning about how Dickens use of language portrays a greedy and lonely Ebenezer Scrooge., in English as part of their study of a Christmas Carol.
In maths the class have been working on rounding , looking at all the possible reasons we use rounding in life, and now we are looking at rounding with significant figures. We are finding it interesting when putting rounding into real world scenario's and math problems.
In Biology pupils made animal and plant cells using clay. They made their cells using clay , mounting them on card and painting them.
In PSHE we have been finding out about mental health, our own and others. We found out that there are celebrities that have suffered with depression anxiety and PTSD.
In art we have been creating Chinese art with Ashley and studying Art Nouveau, where we have drawn our own Mackintosh roses.
Finally, we received a visit from Corporal Ade on Friday. As part of our careers education we hosted Corporal Ade in school and he told us all about the armed forces and its many roles!