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The Brookfield School


Whole School Intent

At the Brookfield School the Computing Curriculum endeavours to ensure our pupils become:

Confident – Pupils to develop the necessary skills in a variety of computing programmes. They will be confident in using these and demonstrate researching, programming, multimedia and computer processing skills throughout all areas of the curriculum.

Resilient – Pupils will be able to debug algorithms successfully, independently and whilst working with others. They will persevere when faced with challenges and problems that need to be solved.

Effective communicators - By providing pupils with access to a range of devices and programmes they will be encouraged to be become effective communicators. They will be able to use multimedia to share thoughts, feelings and knowledge about a range of curriculum areas.

Ambitious - Pupils will be ambitious in their desire to develop an understanding of ever-changing technology and coding system. Through a diverse and engaging programme of study, pupils will be inspired to use information technology skills as they progress through qualifications and towards further education or into the world of work.

Tolerant - Pupils develop tolerant of each other when sharing ideas and ways of presenting information. They will also develop tolerance towards varying programmes that require increased stamina to master.

Emotionally Literate – By sharing individual experiences regarding the using of computer technology, pupils will develop their own emotional response in the boundaries of computer/device usage in a safe and trusting environment. Pupils will have a secure understanding of the parameters of a range of computer platforms and be able to keep themselves safe within and outside of school