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The Brookfield School


Incredibles 2022 - 2023


Miss Roberts


Primary teacher - Incredibles class


Welcome to the Incredibles class


The Incredibles will be working hard in English this half term. We will be studying the book ‘The Owl who is afraid of the dark’, ‘Mr Wolf’s pancakes’ and ‘The pirates next door’ using the stories to understand how narratives are structured. We will then create independent sentences and creating our own stories.


Pupils engage in daily phonics sessions helping them to become confident, independent readers. They also have a weekly wellbeing session which involves a variety of different activities; walks, meditation, yoga sessions, talks and dance.


In science we will be exploring and identifying a variety of different animals, grouping them into classifications and finding out about their specific diets.  In PSHE we will be discussing dreams and goals, talking through personal dreams and learning goals as well as thinking about what we might need to do to achieve them. Our focus in Humanities will be comparing and contrasting the city and the coast, using ICT skills to research different locations.


The Incredibles Class is going on weekly trips to Dinedor this half term. Whilst there, we will be linking with our science and carrying out investigations into animals and where they live. Additionally, we will learn how to identify different trees by examining their leaves.


We look forward to the term ahead!


Rhiannon, Debbie and Laura