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The Brookfield School


In English, we aim to develop all students’ skills and abilities in the four main areas of the subject: Speaking; Listening; Reading; Writing and Language use as a whole. Students study a wide range of texts used for assessing their ability in the above areas including fiction, non-fiction, poetry and plays with a view to successfully readying themselves for life beyond school. This includes practice at using and writing letters of application and the analysis of advertising in reference to Careers teaching.



Year 7: Autumn Term – Propaganda and Media based writing to persuade; linked to work on Careers. Alternatively, pupils will consider poetry and vocabulary for effect.

Spring Term –  Poetry and plays – including Shakespeare. Alternatively, Pupils will consider report writing.

Summer Term – Creative Writing and Modern Fiction – studying a novel.


Year 8: Autumn Term – problem solving and journal writing and Pre-20th Century writing. Alternatively, pupils will consider report writing or non-fiction.

Spring Term –  Shakespeare and Media/Non-Fiction. Linked to work on Careers. Alternatively, pupils will consider poetry writing and expanding their use of vocabulary and writing techniques.

Summer Term –  Non-Fiction/Travel writing – linked into Careers work and Modern Fiction studying the novel.


Year 9 – Autumn Term – studying the novel/text and Poetry analysis.

Spring Term – Shakespeare and Media or Nineteenth Century Fiction/Non-Fiction.

Summer Term – Non-Fiction and Creative Writing and the beginning of study for examinations with Functional Skills exams and qualifications to be taken in Year Nine, ready for transition into Key Stage Four. 


All year groups consider aspects of Careers, through analysis of job adverts, formal letter writing, persuasive language, structure and application letters. They also take part in interview techniques as a speaking and listening exercise as they enter Key Stage Four.


Throughout the Key Stages there are a number of interventions for those individuals who have specific difficulties in reading, comprehension and handwriting.