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The Brookfield School


At The Brookfield School our aim has always been to find an assessment solution that works best for our students and that recognises the achievements and potential of every young person. Our policy and practice is holistic and inclusive of all abilities and special educational needs, and includes wider outcomes linked to the ethos of our school. Our pupils will leave us having achieved qualifications matched to their individual learning profiles and having developed confidence, resilience, emotional literacy, ambition and tolerance. 


How do we assess learning at The Brookfield School? 

The principle of assessment is to check and identify what a child understands and what they need to learn next. It should establish starting points and should support progress in a range of contexts. 


At The Brookfield School we assess our students academically as well as their well-being through regular pupil voice questionnaires. We assess using a variety of strategies including teachers and support staff continuously assessing the pupils to inform their planning in order to deliver an individualised bespoke learning experience. 


  • This is done on a daily and lesson by lesson basis 
  • Targets reflected through individual education plans (IEPs) which are assessed half  termly, end of year targets and end of Key Stage Targets. 
  • Across all curriculum areas, students are involved in their learning through self and peer  assessment 
  • Reading and maths ages are used as a point in time assessment each year
  • Standardised tests are used as follows:
    Phonics screening tests at the end of year 1 
    KS1 SATs at the end of year 2 
    KS2 SATs at the end of year 6 
    EITHER: Functional Skills Exams in English and Maths (Levels one and two) throughout years 10 and 11 OR Entry Level Maths and English (Levels 1,2 and 3) OR: GCSE Maths 
    GCSE English Language
    GCSE English Literature
    GCSE Biology
  • Sports Leadership 
    ASDAN Unit Awards 
  • How do we measure progress? 

    Progress is reviewed termly and incorporates discussions with the class teachers, senior leadership team and SENDCo. Children’s progress is measured against The Brookfield School’s progression of skills.  
