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The Brookfield School

Our Curriculum

At The Brookfield School we strive to ensure that our trauma-informed approach contributes effectively to building self-regulating, self-motivated individuals who consistently demonstrate the values of our school CREATE ethos as:

Confident, Resilient, Emotionally Literate, Ambitious learners who are Tolerant and Effective Communicators; prepared for adulthood as part of modern Britain.


Our curriculum is designed to ensure that academic achievement, physical and mental wellbeing and personal development are intrinsically linked to provide our pupils with the skills, knowledge and strength of character to succeed.


The Brookfield School curriculum aims to:

  • Respond to what we know about our pupils and to build on what has previously been taught and learned.
  • Provide a coherent, carefully sequenced curriculum designed to engage pupils and promote a love of learning.
  • Ensure our curriculum includes clear, planned opportunities for pupils to thrive together, with an appreciation of what makes us unique.
  • Provide high quality teaching experiences which excite and motivate pupils in the classroom and beyond.
  • Be ambitious with a clear focus on developing skills and understanding in order for our pupils to access the all areas of the curriculum successfully.
  • Meet the needs of all our pupils so they can realise their potential, with a focus on progress being measured from individual starting points.
  • Encourage pupils to nurture, develop and extend their interests beyond school.
  • Provide enrichment opportunities where teaching and learning can take place beyond the classroom and involve the wider community.
  • Prepare pupils for the next steps in their education, training and employment and equip them to make informed choices at school and throughout their lives.
  • Promote pupils’ self-esteem and emotional well-being and help them to form and maintain worthwhile and satisfying relationships, based on respect for themselves and for others, at home, school, work and in the community.
  • Develop pupils’ knowledge, understanding and appreciation of their own and different beliefs and cultures, and how these influence individuals and societies.


Primary (Key Stage 2)




The aim of our Key Stage 2 provision is to narrow the attainment gap and ready pupils to re-enter mainstream schools.  For younger pupils, this means a focus on readiness to learn, building attention, early development skills and self esteem.  For others, the focus is on learning to self regulate and tolerate others so that their education can continue in other settings.  Some of our very youngest pupils are working at Pre Key Stage and so follow an Early Years approach in some areas of their learning. PE for older pupils in KS2 is taught by a specialist in readiness for secondary school.  




The National Curriculum is taught through a thematic approach with opportunities for overlearning and a mastery approach to key skills. 


The personal development curriculum is key: pupils have opportunities for weekly Forest Schools and outdoor education, PE lessons taught by a specialist, music (instrument teaching), counselling, PSHE and e Safety lessons. Creative and performance arts are taught thematically in school and through community based projects.  



Key Stage 3


We have adopted a primary style to best support our Key Stage 3 pupils. Pupils in years 7 and 8 benefit from the consistency of one class teacher for most subjects although there may be some movement in core subjects. PE is taught by our specialist staff.




The curriculum is designed to continue to follow many aspects of the National Curriculum, preparing pupils for GCSE but also for a more vocational approach.  Some pupils in Year 9 follow a Key Stage 4 approach in readiness for GCSE.  The Personal Development curriculum is crucial during Key Stage 3; focusing on self regulation, building self esteem and positive relationships. The SRE curriculum is fully personlized and the School Nurse supports fully with additional sessions or materials.  





In English, Maths and Science, students begin to be entered for external accreditations or qualifications in year nine.  These include GCSE, Functional Skills qualifications or Entry Levels as appropriate.  As well as providing valuable examination practice, it allows students to gain external recognition for their efforts and helps to motivate and focus students on their learning as they transfer into Key Stage Four.


In addition to English, Maths and Science, students also study Art, Design and Technology, Computing, Physical Education and Outdoor Education, Personal, Social & Health Education, Careers, Citizenship studies and Religious Education.  

Optional music sessions are provided by Hereford Music Pool including opprtunities for instrument tuition.  


Vocational Option Choices


Some students also have  work placements or take part in vocational study options through our partnered external providers.  


Extra Support


Students who require extra Literacy and Numeracy support will receive this either in 1:1 or small group withdrawal.  Personalised programmes are arranged for Reading (Sound Reading System and Yorkshire Comprehension ) and Handwriting (Nelson) as well as individual or small group intervention sessions to improve basic skills in Maths. 

Targeted Enterprise Groups focus on organising and running whole school community events to further support social and emotional development. These groups are primarily focused on students who are looked after, are subject to special guardianship orders and those adopted from care.  


Key Stage 4




The key stage four curriculum is designed to offer students more flexibility in over their studies by allowing students to follow a personalised curriculum based on their preferred learning styles, interests and skills. The aim of the curriculum is to equip our students with the understanding, experience and necessary qualifications to continue their studies and to allow them to play an active and fulfilled role in society.




Core Curriculum


Students study English, Maths and Science at either GCSE or Functional Skills at Level 1 or Entry Level.  Students also study Physical Education, Religious Education, PSHE (including RSE) and Careers.  Students also have option choices including Level 1 award in Sports Leadership, ASDAN Animal Care, ASDAN/ NCFE certificates in Food & Nutrition, Expressive Arts, GCSE Design & Technology, Photography and Art.


Vocational Option Choices


Some students also have extended work placements (in addition to individualized work experience, completed in Year 10 or Year 11 where deemed appropriate) or take part in vocational study options through our partnered external providers.  These are usually in farming, horticulture, or motor vehicle and are aimed at young people who will go onto apprenticeships or into further training in these areas. 


Extra Support


Students who require extra Literacy and Numeracy support will receive this either in 1:1 or small group withdrawal.  Personalized programmes are arranged for Reading (Sound Reading System and Yorkshire Comprehension ) and Handwriting (Nelson) as well as individual or small group intervention sessions to improve basic skills in Maths.


The World of Work


On top of a comprehensive and personalized careers programme (see Careers), Key Stage Four students are also involved in our STEM and Industry days throughout the year. Weekly Careers lessons each week  include industry visits, a programme of study delivered by a school advisor from JobcentrePlus, sessions with an independent careers advisor and visits to colleges, training providers and careers fairs.


The Arrow Group


This is an off-site provision for some of our most vulnerable learners who have historically been non/ low attenders or had a high level of suspensions. It allows students to concentrate on a more practical curriculum and a tutoring approach to core subjects.  Young people study L1/2 Functional Skills in English and Maths, PSHE, RE, Cooking and all receive personalized Careers education and guidance. Their individualized timetables focus on pursuing vocational studies, extended work placements and outdoor education.  For more information, please click on the Arrow tab or contact the school.




The flexible and dynamic approach ensures all students have a personalized curriculum to meet their needs.  The impact of the curriculum is reviewed regularly to ensure it is fully inclusive for all students and that learning outcomes are maximized.  All pupils in 2024 went on to college, employment or further training with the majority attending Hereford and Ludlow College, some attending Hoople or Hereford Arts College and a small number into work or apprenticeships.