The Safeguarding Team
The Brookfield School Safeguarding Team
Designated Safeguarding Lead : Lindsey Haile
Deputy Safeguarding Leads:
Michelle Parkes
Jill Hurst
Claire Smethurst
Jan Greene
Ashley Read
Deputy Safeguarding Lead and Family Support Worker: Ashley Read
Attendance Officer: Marian Ellis
Autumn Term
Find below the September online safety newsletter. It focuses on:
- Whatsapp and Snapchat
- iPhone 17 and safety devices
- Algorithms
Guidance for parents and carers - Children going missing and exploitation
List of things/behaviours etc. to look out for:
- Truancy from school
- Missing from home or secretive about where they are when out
- Unaccounted for cash
- Unaccounted for gifts (trainers, tracksuits, food etc)
- Associating with new people / older people
- Change in Behaviour
- Change in Interests
- Train/Bus tickets to places away from where they live
- Signs of assault
- Poor hygiene/extreme tiredness
- Numerous phones
- Secretive with phone use/ Increased number of calls/ messages
- Sexualised behaviour
- Condoms / Vaseline (could be for sexual activity or for packaging drugs)
- Substance misuse (drugs, alcohol)
Links below for more information...