Secondary School Provision
Our whole school aim is to enable all our pupils to become:
Emotionally literate
Ambitious learners
Tolerant of others
Effective communicators;
who are prepared for adulthood in modern Britain.
In our secondary provision we aim to provide a broad curriculum for all our pupils in order to develop self-esteem and confidence, equipping them well for life after The Brookfield.
We have adopted a primary style to best support our Key Stage 3 pupils. Pupils in years 7,8 & 9 will benefit from the consistency of one class teacher for most subjects. PE will continue to be taught by our specialist staff.
Key Stage 3 pupils will enjoy sessions throughout the year at one of our outdoor provisions. This will include animal care, woodwork and other outdoor activities. All sessions aim to enhance learning through a practical, hands on approach. Children are encouraged to interact socially with peers and engage in collaborative play. We also focus on team building activities and the development of practical skills to enable our children to feel really good about themselves.
We offer two after school sports sessions to encourage an enthusiasm for keeping fit and developing new interests.
We have developed close links with our local community to enhance our curriculum offer. This includes time at the Whitecross Tennis, Squash & Racketball Centre and Halo Leisure Centre at which pupils enjoy gym sessions and badminton. We also use a combination of City Sports Club and Halo Leisure Centre running track to deliver athletics on the curriculum with the hope of having a whole school sports day once this is embedded. It is our aim to provide our pupils with the enthusiasm and confidence to pursue sporting activities whilst with us but also once they have finished their schooling, signposting them to clubs and tuition opportunities with trained coaches in their area of interest. As part of our KS4 offer, pupils have the opportunity to complete the Sports Leaders Level 1 and 2. Pupils plan and lead sessions to younger pupils as well as learning key principles of effective leadership and building self-confidence. At level 2 they also plan, run and evaluate a sports event across the school or in the wider community.
Time has been spent improving the secondary building aesthetics to develop a bright, inclusive environment in which our pupils feel safe. Photographs and work by the children are displayed throughout the building to show that they are valued by us and that we are proud of them. Mental wellbeing displays are updated regular with the children’s thoughts and feelings included on them.
Through our trauma informed approach, we have created a Wellbeing Team which aims to allow staff to work in a therapeutic-informed manner, integrating pedagogy around PACE and giving our pupils time and positive attention with emotionally available adults. Targeted pupils participate in weekly sessions involving practical outdoor learning, art therapy, or small group activities.
Contact with parents and carers is a strong feature of the school and their engagement in their children’s schooling and mental wellbeing is consistently encouraged. Alongside our dedicated Family Support Worker and HLTA for Wellbeing, we have held drop ins and organized events to which all have been invited. Weekly newsletter and regular social media updates are also well received.