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Mental Health & Wellbeing

The wellbeing and mental health of our children is as important as their physical health. This has always been the case and even more so now with the uncertainty of the financial world and the impact that Covid 19 has brought into our lives.


If your child is anxious or worried  there are things you can do to help. If they're struggling with their mental health, there is advice and support available to help you support them and keep them safe. 


There's a lot of uncertainty in the world at the moment. And there won't always be answers to the questions your children are asking. But with support you  can help your child to  have these conversations in a safe and open way. 


 Action for Happiness Calendars are a wonderful way to start conversations with your children each day. 

The Anna Freud Centre have a collection of resources to support the mental health and wellbeing of children and families.


Anna Freud Centre


On the CAMHS website there are a collection of resources about mental health and wellbeing.


CAMHS resources


When we are worried or anxious, it can be even more challenging to sleep well.  The NHS have a collection of ideas to promote better sleep and good sleep habits.


NHS Sleep tips


The Mental Health Foundation have a collection of key topics to help support and explore mental health.


Mental Health Foundation


Nuffield Health has created a collection of resources to help children to keep happy, healthy and active at home.  There is a great link for a Wellbeing Journal.

Supporting children's mental health-10 conversation starters for parents


Nuffield Health Children's Wellbeing


Facts 4 Life A collection o activities that aim to reassure young people and their families around them. They are designed to encourage self-care and support wellbeing, but importantly to be fun and engaging.  New activities are added each week.


Facts 4 Life


Family Information Services, offer a parenting helpline to provide support and advice with any questions or concerns.  


Parent Support Advice Line


BBC have created a live lesson on Wellbeing and Growth Mindset: a 30 minute video clip 


Growth Mindset and Wellbeing