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The Brookfield School


Homework is only ever set if it is considered to be a necessary and supportive process which is relevent to the individual pupil.


Homework will compliment and support class work. It will always help pupils to achieve their academic best - whatever level they are working at.  Where pupils are studying towards qulifaictions such as GCSEs, homework will also include revision which we expect pupils to take a lead in organising themselves.


Homework other than reading and/ or spelling where appropriate will not be set on a regular basis, but we do expect pupils will complete homework when set.


We rely on the good will of families to support their children and provide an area suited to completing their work and to provide encouragement towards completion of tasks set.


Homework will not always be written work, just as work done in class is not always written work. 


Some identified pupil groups may access online educational tools identified and provided by the school or else may even have extra tuition offered to support their learning.


Pupils who complete their homework regularly will be rewarding using the whole school  and individual class based reward systems.