Primary School Provision
Our whole school aim is to enable all our pupils to become:
Emotionally literate
Ambitious learners
Tolerant of others
Effective communicators;
who are prepared for adulthood in modern Britain.
In our primary provision we aim to provide a broad curriculum for all our pupils in order to develop self-esteem and confidence.
All children spend time at the Dinedor Outdoor Centre during the year. Our outdoor sessions are linked closely to the curriculum, to enhance learning through a practical, hands on approach. Children are encouraged to interact socially with peers and engage in collaborative play. We also focus on team building activities and the development of practical skills to enable our children to feel really good about themselves.
We are continuing our involvement in the local community through the links we have developed with The Courtyard Theatre and also with Encore, our specialist music provider.
We are proud of our primary school building and have developed a bright, inclusive environment in which our pupils feel safe. Photographs and work by the children are displayed throughout the building to show that they are valued by us and that we are proud of them. Mental wellbeing displays are updated regular with the children’s thoughts and feelings included on them.
Our library and wellbeing room, along with our school garden are well used by the pupils who can benefit from these whenever they feel they need time to themselves in which to calm and self-regulate. The garden is also used for growing flowers and vegetables and for outdoor play, so the children can enjoy the outdoors.
We have developed sets of activities that make up a sensory strategy and are appropriate for our pupils’ needs. These are specific and individualised to assist with regulation of activity levels, attention and adaptive responses.
Through our trauma informed approach, we have created a Wellbeing Team which aims to allow staff to work in a therapeutic-informed manner, integrating pedagogy around PACE and giving our pupils time and positive attention with emotionally available adults. Targeted pupils participate in weekly sessions involving play therapy, art therapy, ELSA sessions or small group activities.
All pupils complete online PASS assessments so that staff can gain a clearer understand of how individual pupils feel within the school environment and their perceptions of themselves. For any pupil whose responses are cause for concern a Boxall profile is then completed by the adult who knows the child best to further inform. Pupils are then referred to the Wellbeing Team for specific interventions and support.
Contact with parents and carers is always encouraged and their engagement in their children’s schooling and mental wellbeing is consistently encouraged. Key members of staff act as EAAs for parents and carers also and we have held drop ins and organized events to which all have been invited.
Primary Long Term Mapping
In Key Stage 2 we deliver the National Curriculum through a topic-based curriculum in which all learning objectives are addressed. We have mixed age classes and work is differentiated for each year group and also for individual needs. Our cross-curricular approach enables the children to develop their understanding of the subject areas covered and gives opportunities for skills and knowledge to be generalised and embedded.
Pupils are involved in weekly PSHE lessons which focus on our school and British values and aim to teach our children about respecting diversity and building self esteem. We ensure that all children are involved in a variety of activities to build confidence and develop social skills. Personal development is further enhanced through SRE, careers (in Upper KS2) and e Safety lessons. All pupils have access to our school counsellor and trained specialist HLTA/ TAs who work on personal development 'intervention' groups where additional support is needed.
All children spend time at the Dinedor Outdoor Centre during the year. Our outdoor sessions are linked closely to the curriculum, to enhance learning through a practical, hands on approach. Pupils are encouraged to interact socially with peers and engage in collaborative play. We also focus on team building activities and the development of practical skills to enable our children to feel really good about themselves and to build positive relationships and attitudes to learning.
We are involved in our local community through the links we have developed with The Courtyard Theatre. Our older pupils participate in drama sessions enjoying new experiences and developing creatively. We have produced artwork for the theatre’s annual family festival and are now looking forward to a new project leading up to Christmas.
All our children have the opportunity to participate in weekly music lessons and can choose to play the guitar, ukulele or keyboard. Food Technology is delivered in blocks throughout the year in our specialist environment and pupils take part in whole school/ whole Key Stage events such as local art exhibitions and parent open mornings.
Swimming sessions take place throughout the year and guitar lessons are available for any child who is interested. PE lessons take place each week delivered by a PE specialist.