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The Brookfield School


PSHE IN School

At The Brookfield School, we use a PSHE curriculum created by Jigsaw PSHE. The Jigsaw curriculum holds children at its heart and aims to equip them for happy, healthy lives and to be effective learners. Pupils in Key Stage 2 and 3 have access to this curriculum through dedicated weekly lessons, while in Key Stage 4; pupils have access to 90 minutes of dedicated PSHE education a week.

Jigsaw provide teaching and learning materials, which are user friendly and easy to adapt to suit individual needs. Jigsaw is a whole-school approach to PSHE / Health & Well-being, which includes statutory RSHE (England DfE 2019). Every year group studies the same learning theme at the same time, really spiralling the learning up through the age groups.


Jigsaw encourages self-reflection towards the end of each lesson and includes a “workbook” of summative assessment tasks in Piece (Lesson) 6 of each Puzzle. These workbooks also provide the assessment process needed to meet the Learning Objectives for the NCFE (Northern Council for Further Education) Levels 1 and 2 Awards in Relationships, Sex and Health Education (see for more details).


The 6 puzzles that all pupils follow are-

  1. Being in my world (Autumn 1)
  2.  Celebrating difference (Autumn 2)
  3. Dreams and goals (Spring 1)
  4. Healthy me (Spring 2)
  5. Relationships (Summer 1)
  6. Changing me. (Summer 2)