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Herefords Dan Pembroke wins Gold

Herefords Dan Pembroke wins Gold in the F13 at the Paris Paralympics. Smashing the world record throwing just shy of 75m


Dan is regularly seen training at Hereford Leisure Centre when we are using other parts of the track for PE lessons. Dan is a friend of the school having helped former pupil Kyran Green with a coaching session to prepare him for the H&W championships in Stourport a couple of summers ago when he represented Hereford at the event. 


Subject Lead for PE Pete Reed “We’ve regularly been at the track during lessons and seen Dan training, to have an elite athlete training in front of you if inspiring for our pupils, seeing him throw a javelin 70 plus meters up close is a real treat and something that has left odour pupils gob smacked and in awe” 


Congratulations Dan from all the staff and pupils at Brookfield School.